I already wrote about gadgets. If you read that blog post you know that I love gadgets, but to me, a cell phone is a tool, not a toy. I use my Palm to keep me on time. I use my laptop for work. I use one of my tablets for work on the go when I must travel light.
With that in mind, I retired my old Samsung smart phone in favor of a refurbished iPhone 5S running the newest Apple iOS (10.3.1 at the time of this post).
To keep this phone well-protected I turned to Amazon. I found the "O-Case" in brown leather. It has a classy look and feel to it. The leather is luxurious and the stitching shows great attention to detail. In short, I love the way it looks and feels.
In order for me to buy a case it has to be well-made. While I definitely prefer the look and feel of leather, it must have a thoughtful design and the stitching has to be straight and even. I want a product that looks as though care went into its manufacture.
There is a lot of cheap leather out there. Just like shoes, you can find junk, like Nubuck, and you can find patent leather that will serve you for many years. This case is the latter, not the former.
Why the iPhone 5S rather than the 6S like my wife. I prefer the smaller phone because I really only use it for communication and checking the weather. I don't want it to entertain me. I don't want to listen to music. I just want to carry a phone for emergencies or when I need to contact someone.
As for the case, I love an elegant look, a luxurious feel, and adequate protection for the phone. I also want it to fit comfortably in my shirt pocket or in a sport coat or jacket. I don't need a pen holder or flaps to make it stand up for watching movies. I can watch movies on one of my tablets if I choose to do so. This is, after all, a telephone as far as I am concerned.
If you want a practical phone, consider the iPhone 5S. There are lots of refurbished units available. If you want a top-quality, executive leather phone case, check out the O-Case at Amazon.
How well do you know yourself?
I always loved the outdoors. Every chance I had to run around in the wilderness, I took it. Every opportunity I had to hike, ride a bike, go fishing, or pursue some form or another of outdoor recreation I took it.
By the time I was twelve years old I knew that I wanted to specialize in the fly fishing business and make that my living. My plan was to tie flies, build fly rods, teach fly fishing and fly tying, guide, and write books and articles about it.
I was very lucky, it seems. I work with people every day who have no idea, whatsoever, what they would really LOVE to do if given the choice. How is that possible?
What Are Your Passions?
Do you have any passions-- things you truly love to do? What do you do for recreation? Do you have any hobbies? When you have "play time" what do you like to do? If you could turn one of those things into a way to make a living, would you do it?
Figuring out what it is that you would love to do for a living is the secret to life-long success. It helps you establish goals. It gives you direction. When you engage in something you truly love to do you have the highest probability of becoming successful in your field. Passion is the key.
Passion makes all of your hard work worth it. When your work pays off and your goals have been met, your dream job has become a reality, then work is play. You don't hate waking up in the morning. Work doesn't feel like work at all.
If you could do anything you wanted, pick any occupation at all, leaving money out of the decision-making process, what would you choose?
Now, ask yourself, How can I turn this into money?
And Remember...
Measure success by accomplishment, not by money. Money buys convenience, but accomplishment buys satisfaction.