Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kick the Habit

We are what we repeatedly do. ~Aristotle

Have you ever heard the expression "Old habits die hard"? 

People who have a long string of failures in life typically are the victims of their own habits. In many cases, they don't even realize that they have those habits.

For example, people are often guilty of inactivity. Doing nothing is actually a habit. How can that be? You ask. Picture this:

A guy comes home from work. He pops some easy to prepare food in a microwave or an oven and sits down to watch television until the food is ready to eat. He watches television while eating dinner. Afterward, he sits and watches whatever shows are available. That is the course of every evening during the week. Weekend television is mostly sports events.

So... it can be said that this guy's activity is really a habit of inactivity. Days come and go. Weeks pass... months turn into years... the guy becomes the quintessential couch potato. For you Brits... he's a Chaise tuber.

If you want to accomplish anything, you have to break free of the habit of inactivity.

Some people dream of writing a book, for example, but their inactivity gets in the way. Perhaps it is really fear of failure. Lots of people would rather sit idle than risk failure by doing something. In essence, their greatest failure is never starting to work on anything.

That is why you really should write your goals on paper and start working on a plan to make them happen. You'll never accomplish anything if you don't take the first step.