Sunday, July 3, 2016

Believe You Can and You Will

To succeed in life, you have to be convinced that you can achieve your goals.

First off, without clear goals there can be no clear results, so, it is essential that you start by making clear goals for yourself. Next, you want to establish a time table for your goals. Then, you want to create a plan of action in order to accomplish those goals.

When you set goals for yourself, you have to believe that you can complete them. If you don't believe they are attainable it's a waste of time. But, if you can imagine yourself completing those goals, keep that mental image and start moving.

Right now, we are in an election year. America is polarized. We have people at one extreme or the other when it comes to political candidates. That's because the people of this nation, America, are cynical. We have little reason to trust politicians and little reason to have faith in political outsiders, like Donald Trump.

Before "The Donald" decided to run for president he was a media darling. Once he threw his hat in the ring, people started to attack him at every opportunity. Why? Because he poses a threat to the status quo. The inside-the-beltway gang hate him-- he's not one of them.

People call him racist-- because he wants to stop the flow of illegal aliens crossing our southern border. They call him stupid because he has had failed business ventures. Thomas Edison failed innumerable times when he tried to invent the light bulb, yet, he eventually succeeded and then people called him a genius.

Donald Trump took 200 million dollars and turned it into over 3 billion dollars in profit (made from real estate investments). He wrote a book titled "The Art of the Deal" and has been a hawk in business negotiations-- hardly stupid.

Will Donald Trump make a good president?

In truth, it is hard to say. He is certainly not stupid. Is he really in it for the good of the country and the people? I believe he is because, ultimately, the business climate can improve, Americans can make more money, and Mr. Trump can make more money in the process.

Our government has been getting in the way for far too long. At a federal level, the government has grown way too big for its britches (that's breeches for you Language Scholars). In all seriousness, we need leaders who understand business, who know how to bring industry back home to America, who can help create tax incentives to do so. A nation that builds things is a nation that prospers.

Can Donald Trump do this? That remains to be seen. 

I can definitely tell you this: Hillary Clinton cannot. She has been a fan of socialism for decades. She believes in big government and big government is the problem.

As for me, I believe in America. I believe that people can be awakened to the real problems we now face like these:

Genuine Racism.
So-called "racism" that is really not.
A biased media that secretly embraces socialism and the nanny state.
Chemicals and artificial ingredients that are in almost everything we eat.
SODIUM, SUGAR, and other unhealthy things in commercially prepared foods.

In short, we are killing ourselves more with what we eat than all the guns, knives, and drunken drivers put together.

What can we do about it? 

Love your neighbor as yourself. Raise your children to believe in the power of dreams-- never stop dreaming. Celebrate America because we have hope for a better tomorrow. Don't celebrate diversity, celebrate UNITY. FROM MANY-- ONE.


It is a concept that Barack Obama and many others either have forgotten or never believed. We are one nation. We are one people. We have one hope for a future... that a united people can build a better America.

Let's Do it!