Sunday, July 31, 2016

Focus on Positive Thoughts

Accentuating the positive will attract good things to you and accepting the negative will bring the bad. ~Napoleon Hill & W. Clement Stone

Not long ago my wife and I had a conversation very early in the morning. She was telling me about two or three very negative things in the news and I told her that I'd heard more than enough and asked her to change the subject to "something positive" rather than continuing the conversation as it was going.

It is very important to begin each and every day on a positive note. You don't want to have negative thoughts running through your head on your way to the office. Instead, focus on positive things and on what you want to accomplish today.

The problem with negative thinking is that it's habit-forming. Once you start down that road things tend to snowball. The easiest way to avoid it is simply change the conversation or start your day by reading good news or motivational books.

Cynicism and pessimism are bad habits.

If the news taints your attitude, don't read it first thing in the morning or just before bed. Those are the two most important times to think positively. You want to have a restful night's sleep and you want to awaken to a blissful morning.

While you are at it, greet people with a cheerful "Good Morning!" and say it with energy and enthusiasm.

You don't know-- your greeting might just lift someone's spirits and brighten their whole day.