Thursday, January 12, 2017

When the Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I am a big believer in the idea that you cannot accomplish anything if you never set any goals in life. It's like the old saying: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

January is the slowest month of the year for business. The holidays have come and gone and seasonal lay-offs have just hit-- or soon will. Lots of retail and warehouse-type jobs reduce hours and the result is less money in peoples' pockets.

The trend in recent years has been hiring more people than you need and sending them home when the work is done. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, even people working reduced hours still receive full-time benefits, but, after medical insurance is withheld, people are taking home less money. So how do you survive in this sort of business climate? That's a good question, and here is your answer:

Multiple Income Streams

Setting up multiple income streams is one of the best ways to keep the money flowing. There are several ways that you can do it.

The first thing you need to do is make an inventory of your marketable skills. What services can you provide for which people are willing to pay? Do you have more than one service that you can provide?

Do you have a blog? If so, you can set up an account with Google AdSense to monetize it. You can do the same with YouTube.

If you can do some freelance work on the side you might be able to make more money than your day job as you build a reputation in your field. I know several graphic artists, web developers, and copywriters who have made good money as freelancers.

The future of work in America will most likely be a combination.of freelance and part-time jobs that together provide the equivalent of full-time income. To ensure income stability, the more individual streams the better.