Friday, February 17, 2017

Fitness Is A Lifestyle

Fitness is a lifestyle. If you want to get in good shape and stay in good shape, you have to make it part of your daily routine.

I used to work with a guy who gained weight, lost it, gained, lost it. Over the time we worked together, he was heavier than he really wanted to be most of the time.

One day, several of the guys at the office decided that they all wanted to lose weight and get back in shape. They all went on a diet of some sort and several of them joined the World Gym. Well, the guy I mentioned above decided to join the others in the quest for fitness. To his credit, he quit eating "Wendy's" burgers on his way home almost every day. Instead, he went to a Smoothie shop. He even joined the World Gym.

So, he showed up to work on "Casual Fridays" wearing the World Gym sweatshirt, but, he never actually went there and worked out. Why? My guess is that it's too much like work. :o)

Eventually, he met a lady who loved to ride bicycles and in his eagerness to please her and spend time with her, he bought a bike from me and started riding with her. I don't know if they are still together. If they are, I hope they still ride together. If they are not together, I'll bet my friend no longer rides.

If you want to get fit and stay fit, you really have to make a lifestyle change. That is why I tell people that they need to find some form of recreation that provides entertainment and keeps them fit at the same time. Cycling is perfect because it can be great fun and it is low-impact. Pumping iron, on the other hand is not such a good idea (for the average person anyway).

Let's be honest, telling yourself "no pain, no gain" as you strain every muscle in your body and possibly damage your spinal column by lifting more than your physiology was meant to endure is not going to be one of those moments you will treasure forever. Neither is ascending the Alps on a mountain bike. 

The KEY to a fitness lifestyle is recreation. If you are not having fun you will eventually get bored and quit what you originally started with good intentions. It's only natural.

Make fitness FUN and you will be fit for life.