Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Without Goals One Can Never Succeed

A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it. ~James Allen

If you want to make something of yourself, if you want to accomplish anything in life, you must establish goals and work toward them. We are at our best when we are working toward our goals.

When you were a child, did you ever daydream? Some kids grow up daydreaming about becoming a pilot, or maybe an archaeologist. Sometimes the daydream was triggered by watching a movie or television show. At other times, daydreams might have come as the result of reading a book or participating in a really cool discussion in school.

People scoff at dreamers and tell them that they will never amount to anything, yet all evidence is to the contrary. Daydreamers have become the greatest inventors, the greatest explorers, and the wealthiest industrialists. Why?

Success Goes Where Passion Flows...

Daydreamers make successes of themselves when their daydreams actually turn into life goals. It's all about passion.

When James Allen wrote about "legitimate purpose" in his book, As A Man Thinketh, it had a two-fold meaning. The first was that of moral and legal activity. The second was making that purpose a genuine goal. It would be one's mission in life-- a calling, if you will.

If you want to succeed in anything, you must begin with establishing a purpose for yourself, a goal. If that goal is rather large or will take a long time, perhaps even a lifetime, then you will need to set interim goals to complete on the way to that ultimate goal. In doing so, you will see real progress toward that final goal and the fulfillment of your life dreams (yes, you can have multiple dreams).

If you have no direction in life, you will wander, your accomplishments were occur by accident if they occur at all. With that in mind, think of goals as a road map to success.

And one more thing. Don't measure success by the acquisition of wealth. Measure success by accomplishment. If money, alone, is your ultimate goal, you might become wealthy, but, money cannot buy happiness-- accomplishment will --and that's money in the bank.