Monday, April 25, 2016

What Ever You Do, Do it with Passion

What e'er you do in this life, do it with passion.

Love without passion is empty. It is reduced to the fulfillment of physical urges and nothing more.

Work without passion is just something you do for a paycheck and results in mediocre performance at best.

Recreation without passion is just going through the motions and often leads to boredom.

You need passion in life. Passion brings out the best in people. It gives you the energy and determination to succeed. It motivates you to be the best that you can be. It gives you joy in what you are doing. Work becomes play when you are doing what you love.

It's alright if you have more than one passion. I have several passions. I am a singer-songwriter. I am an author. I am a photographer. I sketch in charcoal, pencil, pen and ink, and I paint watercolor. I am a poet. 

My circle of dear friends includes more than one who would be considered a renaissance man. 

There is Will Daskal, painter, sketch artist, author, teacher, fly fishing guru, and all around wonderful guy.

There is Jeremy dePrisco, songwriter, performing artist, writer, who plays more musical instruments than I can recite here. He never ceases to amaze me.

Will and Jeremy have passion and they both pour it into much of what they do.


If you can identify your passions and pursue them, you will love life and make the most of it. Seek and you shall find.

The year is still young. Make it a point to find your passion by a mid-summer night's eve and run in pursuit. Let 2016 be the year of your discovery. Don't let the politics of the day distract you. Brush it aside and look to the road ahead.

As for those politicians, what fools these mortals be...

Thanks Wm Shakespeare. And thank you friends for enriching my life.