Saturday, June 18, 2016

Get Happy - Ninja Mind Tricks

I wrote Get Happy, Write Away in order to help people figure out what they want to do-- what direction to take in life.

When people finally figure out what they want to do in life it is often fear, uncertainty, and doubt that stands in their way. So... I wrote my latest book, Ninja Mind Tricks, to solve that problem.

When you have figured out what you really want in life, and you want to make it happen, it is THEN that you need to establish goals and start planning for your future. Figuring out what you want to do is half the battle. From there, all you really need to do is start changing the way you think in order to make it happen.

You have been programmed to fail. Why? Because people love to hold other people back. Why? Because misery loves company. Why? Because it takes a little effort to be a winner and many people would rather sit on a couch, eat junk food, and be lazy rather than risk potential failure if they try to do something and fall flat on their face.

Cynicism is Everywhere

If you want to succeed in turning your dreams into realities, these two books will tell you how.

Get Happy, Write Away is a self-actualization guide, so to speak. It helps you figure out what your past dreams were and where your heart really lies.

Ninja Mind Tricks helps you overcome all the things that are keeping you from taking a chance and reaching for the stars.

Believing in yourself is a good start. Making a plan of action is your compass. Then, cast off fear, uncertainty, and doubt... there is a place in the sun just waiting for you.