Friday, May 13, 2016

Don't Stop Dreaming, Don't Stop Believing

Dreams are the seedlings of realities. ~James Allen

A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities. ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Dreamers have brought us the greatest advancements in science and technology. Without dreams we would not have the light bulb, the automobile, the airplane, and that iPhone everybody wants.

Dreamers were often teased by scoffers and belittled by critics. What those scoffers didn't realize is that dreamers are visionaries. 

The late Bob Nastasi once told me that the difference between an artist and normal people is the way they SEE things. Bob was a fly fishing guru, a brilliant graphic designer, and an advertising man. He worked hard and he played hard. Cancer got the best of him, but not many men could beat him or get him down.

Like the artist, the dreamer sees things that other people do not. They might not be the best business persons, but most business managers are not visionaries. Managers are tacticians and administrators. Anyone can learn to be a good boss. A genuine leader inspires people.

Don't Look Down on Dreamers

To put this in a tech-industry perspective: Gil Amelio was a effective business leader. Steve Jobs was a visionary. Without Steve Jobs Apple almost went the way of the T-Rex.

Virtually every great invention started with a single idea-- a dream. So did Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney did not accept defeat and he eventually built an entertainment empire.

Don't stop dreaming. Don't stop believing.