Saturday, May 7, 2016

Goals: The Key to Successful Living

The establishment of a goal is the key to successful living. And the most important step toward achieving an objective is first to define it. ~Dr. Ari Kiev

I know a lot of people who have been stumbling through life as if they were trying to navigate through a crowded shopping mall blindfolded.

If you want to get anywhere in life, you have to set clear goals. The best way to define those goals is to write them in some sort of journal or log. At the very least, write them on a sheet of paper and pin it on a bulletin board by your computer.

Once you have committed your goals to paper, read them in the morning and again at night before you go to sleep.

It is important to read your goals and visualize having accomplished them. In your mind, picture yourself enjoying the fruits of your labor.

When you were a child, did you ever look at a Sears catalog and think of yourself owning that new bicycle, telescope, or whatever else you wanted? I know one family that would circle something they wanted in catalogs. Those circled items became their Christmas wish list.

Your goals are similar. They are your wish list. So, write them down and read them daily. But don't stop there. You need a plan to accomplish your goals. That might take some homework.

Remember, establishing your goals is the first step. The road to success is traveled one mile at a time. Some goals take longer to reach than others. Break big goals into smaller interim goals. Having checkpoints on the way to your primary goal is a great way to track your progress and keep your attitude positive.

I'll see you at the finish line.