Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Life Is A Precious Gift

Dost thou love life? Then, do not squander time– that's the stuff that life is made of. ~Ben Franklin

Life is a precious gift. I have been face to face with mortality. If things had been a bit different, I would not be here right now. I can tell you from experience that every day is a blessing and should not be wasted.

Based on experience, here is my advice:

By all means, dream. Never stop dreaming; but, don't merely dream-- DO! Dreams, alone, are of no use. So, turn your dreams into realities and pursue them.

Never pass up an opportunity to do good. Leave the world a better place then when you came into it.

Never pass up an opportunity to say "I Love You" to those near and dear to you.

Give without thought of getting something in return. Believe me, your reward will be much greater than that which you have given.

Enhance the lives of people around you. Find a way to do that.

Always encourage your children to be the most that they can be, to try new things, to reach for the stars, to believe in themselves.

Likewise, encourage friends and give them a reason to smile.

Start your day with an attitude of gratitude and be thankful for the blessings in your life.

Be grateful for rainy days. They bring beauty to the world around you.

Be grateful for sunny days. Enjoy them and play in the sunshine.

Be grateful for chilly nights. Snuggle with the one you love.

Remember the good times and do not dwell on the bad.

Give LOVE to those around you. The love you give others is the love you will get in return. 

There is more to riches than money, fame, and possessions.

In the end, you will be remembered long after those grumpy old folks had faded away. And that is genuine success.