Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Business Has its Ups and Downs

Over the last couple of decades the working world has changed. There are many people hanging on to the old paradigm for dear life; however, the days of going off to the factory or the day-job are disappearing fast.

Many people say our best days are behind us.

Welcome to the GIG ECONOMY

What IS the "gig economy" you ask? It is a world where people try to figure out "what it is they can do" and "how to monetize it" in order to pay their bills. We have reverted to life before the industrial revolution. Most people just don't know it yet.

Big industries have all taken their jobs to the lowest bidder. American labor no longer means factory jobs. At one time, those jobs were part of what we called "The American Dream" and countless waves of immigration brought skilled people here from around the world. Now, those industrial jobs have been supplanted by low-wage warehouse jobs.* 

Many people believe that the days of wine and roses are gone.

What's a body to do?

First, you have to determine what it is that you CAN do. What talents do you have? What are you capable of doing? What do you have in the way of tools that will enable you to offer some sort of products or services? HOW can you market them?

Before you set out to find fame and fortune, you have to determine all of those things I have already asked. Then, you have to figure out what sets you apart from the rest of the people trying to do the same thing. You either have to be so good that people want you specifically, or, you have figured out some secret formula that enables you to take the market by storm. Neither of those is likely to be the case, initially.

How do you survive?

Hard work is the key to making it in the gig economy. You have to hustle. You have to be assertive. You have to be confident!

Picture Mr Miyagi (the Karate Kid)... telling Daniel-san that karate is over here (right of the road) or over here (left of the road), but, not down the middle of the road-- or you get squished like a "grape" and it's over.

It's Hard Work

Picture a barren wasteland. You could sit around and pray for rain. You might wander around looking for that desert oasis. You might try irrigation. A water-pipe could turn that arid landscape into a lush green valley. Once a pipeline is made, keeping it full is the key to success. The flow of water cannot be intermittent if you want paradise valley.

The gig economy is the same way.

Some people will succeed. Many will not. What lies in store for the rest of humanity? I have a feeling that people will do what many in the past have done, they will wait for a savior-- but he's too busy making a living.

Make an assessment of your talent and skill-set. 2018 is just around the corner. You can make the new year great by crafting a solid action plan. Ponder those things as the new year approaches.

Are you ready? Set? Go.

(*in terms of relative buying power of the dollar)