Saturday, December 2, 2017

Everybody Needs R&R at Times

Everybody needs rest and relaxation from time to time.

Life can be overwhelming. Between work schedules, events, city traffic, bills, bills, and more bills, everybody needs time to get away from it all and just forget about the stress of modern-day living.

Over the years I’ve discovered places that help me relax and shed the cares of the day. Wherever I have lived, I have somehow managed to find places to go and unwind. Some of those places were far from home, but most of the time they were within an hour from home and I could go there for a few hours and recharge my batteries, so to speak.

I have always been passionate about photography. When I go to these sanctuary areas, I take pictures. The resulting images help me stay focused on what is important to me, like the beauty of nature, my love of the outdoors, capturing those images to share with others, and counting my blessings.

My home is the woodlands of this beautiful planet. I love the mountains. I love prairies and grasslands. I love the marshes and estuaries. I love the beaches, smooth and sandy or rocky and rugged. It’s the sound of the waves. Waterfalls, I am totally hooked of waterfalls. If I could I’d bathe strip-stark naked under waterfalls. I love everything about them. I’ll be content to photograph them, or shoot video of them ’til the end of my days.

Nature is my sanctuary. The forests are my “safe place.” As long as I have these places of scenic beauty, I really don’t need much else; though, I must say that from the very beginning of my life with Mary Rose (my wife), I shared my love of the outdoors with her and she has made my life richer. On the day I proposed and she accepted, I took her here…

We took time, yesterday, to return to Old Man’s Cave and take a few pictures. We’ve been there many times and continue to take pictures because every day is unique with photography. The lighting is always different. The seasons bring subtle changes. No two images are exactly alike for a multitude of reasons.

If you have never been to Old Man’s Cave and you live in Ohio, put it on your list of MUST SEE locations. It is beautiful. Take a camera with you.

One more thing, My wife and I were the only people there carrying genuine cameras. Everyone takes pictures with cell phones these days. They are a poor substitute for a good DSLR.


Are we losing history because we no longer take pictures with film cameras? Are your precious memories backed up in case of hard drive failure or ransom-ware attacks? In thirty years, will you have a record of the events in your life or will you lose those memories because you trusted in technology?

Make back-ups of your pictures.