Friday, December 1, 2017

Changing Your Life

Whatever you’re looking for must first be found within you, whether it be peace, happiness, riches, or great accomplishments. ~Earl Nightingale

I see people every day who wander aimlessly through life. They appear to have no goals, no dreams, they aspire to NOTHING. I will posit that what people appear to be outwardly is a physical manifestation of what they are inwardly. In simple terms: YOU are what you THINK.

When people are wandering aimlessly, this is a definite sign that they have been programmed to believe that dreams are the province of children. They are afraid of failure and recall, vividly, every attempt they’ve ever made that went wrong. Rather than discovering that mistakes are part of the learning process and an opportunity to grow, they feel that life has kicked them in the teeth and they feel humiliated.

When Earl Nightingale said that whatever you are looking for must first be found within you, he meant that you have to first believe in your ability to accomplish what you set out to do. Goals are funny things. If you can’t convince yourself that you can do it– whatever IT happens to be– then, why bother. So the people that I’ve mentioned previously start wandering aimlessly. They become reactive, not pro-active. They are sheep and circumstance simply prods them in the rump as they meander from one dull moment in their life to the next.

Again, you are what you think. It’s time to change that.

You have to start with goals.

Take a critical look at your life, what you do, where you live. What would you really like if given the chance to get it? Make a list of the things you would like to change. Think about the job, hobbies, even the kind of people with whom you associate. What would you like to do differently?

Putting together a list of changes like this is a start to creating goals. Once the list is made, you are ready to start building the life you really want. Some things might be easy to change. Others will take a little time or study.

Remember this point: If you can see yourself accomplishing any of these goals, you can make them happen. It all starts with the belief that you can do it. On that note, I will leave you with one of the greatest quotes of all time:

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you are right. ~Henry Ford