Saturday, March 12, 2016

If You Can Imagine It, You Can Make It Happen

Albert Einstein said that “Imagination is Everything. It is the preview of Life’s Coming Attractions.”

If you can imagine it, you can make it happen. In my mind’s eye, I can see my life before me. Future outcome starts as an idea. That idea is the seed that gets planted and grows to fruition. Like a tree, it might take some time to grow, but it will grow. It is important to keep that in mind. If I can do this, so can you.

Some goals can be reached quickly and some take time. Knowing the difference is important because you must believe in the hope that is in you. You must know that your goals can be met in due time. Keeping with the tree analogy, and growing things, it is important to realize that tulips will start to appear in about fourteen days of warm weather and grow rapidly, and daffodils soon after. But a tree will take seasons to reach a height to offer you shade from the heat of the sun.

When you set your goals and envision them coming to fruition, remember that some are achieved quickly, some in time, and some require interim steps between inception and arrival. But if YOU can Envision it, YOU can make it happen.