Saturday, March 12, 2016

You Will Succeed

The person you are today is the sum of your past mindset and experiences. You are who you were.

If you don’t feel successful but want to be a success, the first thing you have to realize is that you often shape your destiny by your attitude. If you want to be a success tomorrow, you start by being positive and considering yourself a success today. I know, it is easier said than done, right? Well, no, actually.

Your life has been filled with successes and you might not have realized it. You learned to walk, talk, went through potty training, learned to tie your shoes, even ride a bicycle. You learned to read and write, tell time, count, the list goes on and on. Those are all successes.

Being a winner starts with a winning attitude.

Success is accomplishment. Success comes much easier when you visualize it and believe in yourself. You might need some information and preparation, depending on the future you want, but you must first tell yourself that you are a success. Visualizing success is walking through it in your mind. Imagine yourself completing whatever it is you want successfully until you sail right through it and when you get your opportunity in the real world, you are mentally prepared for it.

Remember the old line: “You’re an accident waiting to happen!” Well, accidents are often self-fulfilling prophesies. Success is also a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you don’t believe you will succeed, you won’t.

To be who you want to be tomorrow, start by being that person today. You want success, start acting successful now. A farmer cultivates and prepares the soil before he plants his seed. Like the farmer, you cultivate success by preparing for the seeds you plant. The better you prepare your soil, the more bountiful your harvest.