Thursday, April 14, 2016

Find Satisfaction In Your Work

No matter what your job may be, you owe it to yourself to find satisfaction in it as long as you have it. ~Napoleon Hill & W. Clement Stone

I know one guy that no matter what comes in a work day, good or bad, he is never satisfied.

Perhaps your job is not exactly what you had hoped it would be. Perhaps the perks you expected never came to pass. Perhaps there is little likelihood of ever seeing a promotion or pay increase. Is there anything that you can find to like about it? I hope so.

Here's Why:

When you feel anxiety or animosity toward your employer or work situation, it shows. You can never completely hide it. There are some people known as HSP (Highly Sensitive People), they have a much higher level of empathy than most. The actual scientific term for this is sensory processing sensitivity (SPS). The esoteric teachings of Japan's ninja warriors actually taught people how to increase their SPS with a series of mental exercises that I learned when I was in my early twenties. I was already empathic, but my empathy increased tenfold.

Highly Sensitive People can detect your dissatisfaction with the job in an instant. Other people can, too, if you are really emotional about it-- even when you try to hide it.

Attitude of Gratitude Alternative

Rather than feeling anger or disappointment with your job, find those things of redeeming value and be grateful for them. Focus on the things you DO like about the job and even praise the employer for it. When you are positive and grateful about your work situation more of those good things will come your way. If you apply for another job, think about the things you do like in your present situation and be grateful for them. By focusing on the good things you will not be giving off negative vibes to anyone who might be receptive to those signals.

Believe it or not, this stuff works. We only use an estimated 10 percent of the brain's functions in a conscious state. There are all sorts of subliminal messages that are perceived while we have no clue. Those subliminal signals have a basis in physical reality. They have even been used in advertising in time past. Now, the practice is illegal, but movie theaters used to insert images of snack foods into the film to make people crave them during movies. That practice has been banned in America. I don't know about other countries, but here, it has not been done in a long time.

Just remember, you project your feelings whether you know it or not. Some people most assuredly can detect those feelings. By focusing on the positive things rather than the negative things in your current situation, you have the power to change your situation.

So, the old saying: "It's all in your head" just might be true.

Change your thinking, change your life.