Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Success Comes to Those Who DO

The most important thing about setting a goal is taking action. ~Napoleon Hill & W. Clement Stone

Setting goals is important-- but don't stop there.

It is amazing how many people say that they have a goal in life, they want to do this or that, and they are still talking about it years later. I hear it a lot from people who would love to have their own business. They talk about it, but they never do anything to make it happen.

I have written, previously, about the benefits of putting your goals on paper. Writing them down is a kind of commitment to them. It is a great starting point. From there, making an actual plan to get started is the next step. In creating the plan, you might need to do some research. What is required? Do you need a vendor's license? Do you need some sort of certification? Do you need some sort of training? These are all good questions.

Would-be writers are one of the most common examples of people who talk and never take that first step. I attribute it to fear of failure.

Oddly, the people I have known who actually started writing for a living were often laid-off professionals who were pretty good writers and never tried to go into business on their own until circumstances almost required that they do it. Many of those same people are now highly successful as writers.

Sometimes it takes drastic measures, like trying something new because of a job lay-off or some life-changing event forces your hand. If that is the catalyst one needs to stop talking and start actually doing something about those dreams, then it's a good thing.

If you daydream about what you'd really like to do in life, but you have been reluctant to start, write it down and start working on a plan to give it a test drive, while you are still working your regular job. You just might surprise yourself.

Success comes to those who DO, no those who simply talk about it.