Monday, April 11, 2016

Life Is What You Make It

You get from life what you put into it. ~Mickey Maguire

Lots of people don't like to hear this; but, YOU are the captain of your own destiny. YOU create your own circumstances through the choices you make in life. Make good choices and good things happen. Make bad choices and bad things happen.

If you don't like your circumstances it is possible that you have been making bad choices.

A young man worked where I do. He was moved around a bit in an attempt to find where he could fit in the best. He was finally dismissed because he just didn't meet expectations in any particular function. It seemed that he had no interest in the job.

Just last week, we all heard that he ensnared himself in two criminal activities. He was passing around counterfeit money and he actually tried to make a drug deal with it. Some how, the young man was shot in a confrontation and is now dead. His own bad choices not only cost him his job, they cost him his life.

Had this young man not been killed, he would have gone to prison for a long time. Alas, his own choices were his doom.

Most people will never find themselves in that big a mess, but, bad choices can destroy marriages. Bad choices cost people jobs. Bad choices cost people friendships.

Life is the journey, not the destination. There are many roads to travel and man possible destinations. Which you choose is entirely up to you. Even a child makes choices-- although limited. In a way, our choices define us. So, choose wisely.

Do you like your path? If not, choose another. Do you feel disappointed? There are other paths. Each one presents you with different opportunities. If you could see down every path that lies before you, life would be easier and might even be boring. 

The real test of time is not whether you chose the right path. The real test of time is not how you overcame adversity. The real test of time is whether or not you are happy with what you've become as a result of your choices.