Saturday, April 2, 2016

Patience Is An Essential Life Skill

Most people live a life of quiet mediocrity and never achieve the success they truly desire because they get impatient. ~Earl Nightingale

Patience is lost in modern society. People want everything instantly. What started with fast food and microwave ovens has spread to other facets of life. Take cell phones, for example. Thanks to cell phones people now expect instant availability any hour of the day or night.

When I was a young child I lived in New Jersey. On Sunday you could not buy anything except food in stores where I was at that time. Sunday was a day of rest and if you did not plan your schedule around that, you just had to wait for Monday to conduct business as usual.

What does this have to do with patience?

There are many things in life that take time. There are many skills that will never be mastered in an instant. Ask any great musician about all the hard work it took to become a virtuoso-- whether or not it was worth the effort-- the answer will always be... absolutely.

Maturity Comes with the Passage of Time

If you want to advance beyond mediocrity you have to decide that your time and effort will be worth it. Ask yourself this: "How much time am I willing to give toward the completion of my goals?"

Do you want to settle on being average?
Do you want to be a master in your chosen field?
Do you want to be remembered as truly exceptional?

If you want to be remembered as one of the all-time greats of your field, then you must set your goals and work to complete them one-by-one. It takes determination, patience, and a belief in yourself.

Your are in the driver's seat. You are in control. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen; but, it won't happen over night.

Without patience you will never achieve greatness.