Sunday, April 17, 2016

Thoughts on Fear or Failure

No matter how hard you work for success, if your thought is saturated with the fear of failure, it will kill your endeavors and make success impossible. ~Robert Collier

If you really want to achieve success in life you have to start by believing in yourself. That means, you must cast fear aside and convince yourself that you have what it takes to accomplish what it is that you are trying to do.

Fear hinders everything you attempt to do. It's like paving your path with speed-bumps and rumble strips. The former slows you down and the latter aggravates you to the point of sheer frustration. What you want is a road to success that rivals the autobahn-- nothing but silky smoothness.

In reality, you cannot expect your road to success to be as smooth as glass. In fact, that would have negative consequences. You need some resistance in order to build resilience and determination-- they make you stronger. You want to prove you have what it takes when faced with adversity. Those are the sorts of challenges that build character and wisdom.

There is an old saying: "Wisdom is what you get from experience. Experience is what you get from a lack of wisdom." I am not sure who first said it, but, it is so true.

As you confront issues and overcome them you become better equipped to deal with the day-to-day problems that business people face. You handle people better. You develop good judgment and insights that you can one-day pass along to others.

Don't fear challenges, they make you better and stronger. So, cast fear aside and get moving. Your success awaits you.