Saturday, March 12, 2016

Attitude of Gratitude

This morning, I am thinking about how truly blessed I am.

It is important to start your day with an attitude of gratitude. And what might that be? An attitude of gratitude is being of the mind that you are grateful for the blessings that have come your way.

There are countless blessings beyond life itself. There are material blessings, such as having a roof over your head, clothing on your back, shoes on your feet, and a car. There are spiritual blessings, those that quiet the spirit and give you peace of mind. The latter are more important than the former. Without peace of mind, you are in a constant battle just for emotional stability. If your mind is not at ease, your body cannot be totally at ease. You can literally worry yourself sick.

To have peace of mind, you start with an attitude of gratitude. If you are grateful and thankful for the things that are good in your life, then you will attract more of the same. This attitude of gratitude brings about emotional and physical manifestations of wellness and allows you to go forward to peace and prosperity.

Wellness, therefore, begins with an attitude of gratitude.

Here is an assignment… Make a list of all the things you appreciate and enjoy, things for which you can feel grateful. Do this in one minute. Then, review your list and visualize each of those things. Now, smile and tell yourself that more of those blessings are coming your way.

Remember, what you feel today will come your way tomorrow.