Saturday, March 12, 2016

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

When I was growing up, I heard my father say “nothing ventured, nothing gained” more times than I can count. Funny, he never really had much inclination to “venture” into anything. He was ultra-conservative in that way. But, my father knew wisdom when he heard it and he freely repeated it.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained… exactly what does it mean?

Lots of people would love to accomplish some goal. They might even day-dream about it, but when the time comes to actually attempt it, they get cold feet. They give up the idea before they even attempt it. I have worked with people that constantly complained about their job, but they wouldn’t look for something else.

If you have always wanted to be your own boss, start a business of your own, but you never got around to it, well, read the title of this post again. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” If you don’t make an attempt, you’ll never know how things might have developed.

If you don’t try, indeed, nothing is accomplished, nothing is gained. If you do try, you might have genuine success. And don’t give up your dreams if the first attempt doesn’t produce the desired result. Do your homework and try again. Many people failed multiple attempts before they became a huge success. Thomas Edison is one such winner. Had he given up, credit for the lightbulb would have gone to someone else.

Go For It!

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.