Tuesday, March 22, 2016

You Are What You Think of Yourself

Whatever you're looking for must first be found within you, whether it be peace, happiness, riches, or great accomplishments. ~Earl Nightingale

Whatever goals you set for yourself, whatever dreams you have will never be achieved if you cannot imagine yourself already accomplishing them.

I learned about visualization and how it could be used as a tool to master various martial arts techniques decades ago. That is what Earl Nightingale meant when he said it must first be found within you. If you can imagine it-- through visualization exercises-- then, you can walk through it in reality when the opportunity presents itself.

Let's take that one step further...

When you have a burning desire to succeed in any endeavor, you can walk through the process in your mind and create the opportunity.

The "new age" ideas put forth in "The Secret" are really a very old teaching put into practice by Japanese Shugenja priests and Chinese practitioners who taught them. For a thousand years or more, people have used their force of will to influence circumstances and make opportunties for themselves.

Having a clear goal and believing you can make it happen puts your feet on the path to your dreams. From there, your clear intent and your determination will help you complete your goals. In that sense, there is really nothing mystical about it. Although it might seem miraculous, it is not.

What I learned from the ninja was that many things that appear mystical are really based in physical reality. They are rooted in science. They are time-tested. It starts with faith in yourself.