Wednesday, March 16, 2016

You Are What You Think

A man's life is what his thoughts make of it. ~Marcus Aurelius

Have you ever wanted to play hookie from work and called in sick only to get sick a little while later? Believe it or not, you are the victim of your mind trying to actually justify staying home from work.

The mind can be a terrible influence on the body-- or a good one-- it's up to you.

Your life is the product of your thoughts. If you are a positive thinker, you'll enjoy life. If you are always looking for the "catch" or you find yourself constantly awaiting failure or disappointment, guess what? You will receive what you expect.

Rather than expecting disappointment or failure, why not try expecting success. Look for good in everything and look for something positive in everything.

Life is full of surprises. When you are confronted with an unexpected issue, look at it as a chance to grow by overcoming it. Every time you fix a problem you grow and get stronger and better. You become resourceful when you solve problems by creative solutions.

Every morning, when you wake up, look at the day with enthusiasm. Tell yourself you "feel great" even if you don't. Tell yourself that it's going to be a great day. Monday is the start of a new opportunity-filled week. Tuesday is a day to get things done. Wednesday is a wonderful day-- halfway through the week and there is still time to make more money. Thursday, you are moving at a brisk pace and delivering the goods. Friday, you are looking forward to the weekend and the coming week of more and bigger opportunities!

Projects come and go. Money flows in and out like the tide. By always looking to the future with expectation of success and anticipation, you are setting the stage for more good things coming your way.

One last thing...

Start every day with an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Be grateful for what you have and more will come your way.