Saturday, March 12, 2016

Team Building - Do or Die

Team building is absolutely necessary in today’s business world. It is, literally, do or die.

With companies all around the globe cutting manpower (keywords: down-sizing, right-sizing), there is more work being done by fewer people. Everyone needs to be operating at maximum efficiency. If your personnel do not have team spirit, you won’t be around for the long haul.

I have seen businesses that operate with little or no cooperation between departments and various department heads. When everyone is looking out for their own interests, rather than the company’s interests, there is a real problem. This sort of behavior is an indication of serious management issues.

Effective managers are team-builders. They inspire people and bring out the best in them. There are some people who just won’t be good for the team. Those are the ones you remove from the ranks quickly. Replace them with energetic, enthusiastic team-players and everybody wins.

Any department manager that does not exhibit team spirit should be replaced immediately. Team spirit starts at the very top of every organization. The chain of command will only ever be as strong as its weakest link. The fewer the number of employees a business has, the more important this becomes.