Saturday, March 12, 2016

Positively, Absolutely, You Betcha

The majority of people, today, are cynical and pessimistic. Positively! I am absolutely convinced that people have been programmed to be miserable and prone to failure. Am I serious? You betcha.

My parents were raised by “depression-era” parents. My grandparents, like many other people of that generation, faced hard times and it turned them into pessimists. The “Great Depression” was not an American experience, it was a global phenomenon. But I’m in America and if any illustrations are used, they are often from an American perspective.

My grandparents raised their kids with statements like these:

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
“Who do you think I am, Rockefellar”
“It’s a one-in-a-million shot.”
“It will never work.”

My parents were instilled with a strong sense of right and wrong, which was very good, and an even stronger sense of pessimism and cynicism. They were not alone. My wife’s parents were the same way– and so was that entire generation.

When I talk with people today, I find that a very large percentage of the those I meet are negative thinkers. No matter what the subject, most people respond with negativity. The younger they are, the more fatalistic and pessimistic they seem to be. The result is that more and more people seek escapism through drugs and alcohol.

It’s time to re-think and re-train people to believe in themselves and become POSITIVE THINKERS. Rather than look for a reason why things will never work, people need to anticipate success and believe they can achieve it.

I’ll leave you with this one point to ponder…

Thoughts, like a beam of like, are emitted by us and travel in every direction. Our mood can influence everyone around us. So, what signal are you emitting… positive or negative vibes? It’s up to you.