Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Oxen is Slow

There is an old Tibetan proverb: "The Oxen is slow, but the mountain is patient."

It takes a long time for the oxen to cross a mountain. If you are riding one, take plenty of provisions. Ah, but the mountain isn't going anywhere. In due time, the oxen will cross the mountain, given it doesn't stop or turn around and head for home.

There are some goals that take time, and like the oxen crossing the mountain, perseverance and patience is necessary for accomplishment. The trick, then, is to recognize when a task is going to take time and being prepared to see it through to completion.

Patience is a sign of maturity. The more we become used to instant gratification, with microwave ovens, drive-through fast food restaurants, and the immediacy of cell phone communications, the more essential it is to recognize when you are going to engage in something time-consuming, or something that takes determination and cultivation.

Farmers, the oldest profession, learned at the dawn of civilization, a good crop is worth the wait. Yes, some things take time and cultivation. In the end, the results are worth it.