Sunday, March 20, 2016

Thoughts Become Things

Your brain sends out energy in the form of brain-waves, and this energy is power which can affect another person or an object. ~Napoleon Hill & W. Clement Stone (From the book "Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude")

Whether you realize it or not, at a root level we are all pure energy. Our thoughts are energy, too. Like light, which spreads outward from its source and slowly diminishes, thoughts behave in the same manner.

Have you ever entered a room where people have been engaged in some sort of conflict and while they are doing a great job hiding it, you can still sense the tension? Thoughts of anger and hostility are still radiating from those involved as long as they persist in thinking about it.

Thoughts of anger, depression, conflict, every negative thought imaginable will spread and can influence people nearby. It is even believed that at a scene of great stress or mayhem those negative thoughts might linger for many long years. It is called a psychic impression. Whether you believe that or not, some people claim to feel it even decades later.

The most powerful feeling in the universe is love. Just like stress and argument can taint people's attitudes, love can influence people. That holds true for happiness as well.

You have heard the old saying "misery loves company" may times over the years. Negative thought does spread by influencing others. A room full of people can all change from a positive mood to a very negative one in short order with the right circumstances.

Don't be influenced by negative energy. You can block that influence by reflecting on happy times and positive thoughts. Count your blessings when other people are trying to drag you down. It's the best protection from negativity.