Saturday, March 12, 2016

Monday, Monday, So Good to Me

Monday, Monday, so good to me… it was all I hoped it would be…

Why is it that Monday mornings generate the same feelings of dissatisfaction in so many people? I have never had a problem with Mondays. In fact, they are really the start of a new business week and the start of new opportunities. I welcome mornings, in general, with thoughts of the day and enthusiasm.

Whether you work for someone, work for a big corporation, or run your own business, ultimately, you work for yourself. You are in control of your own career. You can decide whether you remain employed in one place of another. If you are not happy on the job, you owe it to yourself to find another opportunity before it affects your attitude and you end up performing poorly. It is better to get a new job and leave a company on a high note than to be disgarded like excess baggage due to poor performance. That can taint your entire career.

Monday begins another week of opportunity

When you look at Monday as the start of another week of opportunities, then, you are on the road to success. Every week presents new challenges. Every week presents new opportunities to rise and shine. You can show the world what you can do. You can show the world what you can accomplish.

Focus is the Key

Focus is the key to success. You have to visualize your target and take aim. You can’t do it with your eyes closed. If you are focused on your goals, you are more likely to complete every task and succeed.

Write Away!

Grab a pen and paper. Write down your goals. Put them on paper so that you can look at them every day and picture yourself accomplishing them. With your list of goals in hand, think about what it will take to complete each one. Make a list of the steps you will need to take in order to reach each goal. You might need to research each one of these in order to turn your goal into an accomplishment.

If you dream of success, then make your lists and read through them every day. Take action and you can turn your dreams into realities.