Saturday, March 12, 2016

Want to Feel Great?

Want to feel great? Start every day by making a list of the blessings in your life… the people you love… and your goals for the day. Writing those things will unlock the power to transform your life.

Starting your day by counting your blessings places your focus on gratitude. You acknowledge the things in your life that give you happiness. Enumerating those blessings is a form of recognition and giving thanks for them. When we are grateful for our blessings we are given even more of them.

Next, by listing the people you love, those people who hold a special place in your heart, you turn your thoughts to fondness– not of material possessions, but people. You cannot love a bicycle, for example, in the same way you love the people that add richness to your life. It is the relationships we have with others that truly make us rich. If that doesn’t make sense, then think of richness of life as the fullness of life.

After writing your blessings, followed by the people you love, list your goals for the day. Why? Because you have opened your heart to gratitude and love. It is now the perfect time to focus your attention on what you’d like to accomplish today.

You have started your day on a positive note by focusing your attention on your blessings. You reinforced that with feelings of genuine love and caring. Now, you have two of the most powerful sensations running through your head. Love and gratitude are full of positive energy. Write your list of goals for the day.

If you start every day this way, indeed, you will unlock the power to transform your life into one filled with the richness of love, gratitude, and success. Your positive energy will help you achieve all of your goals by removing the barriers that get in your way (negativity, cynicism, pessimism, fear of failure, anger, hostility, and doubt).

The goal of this exercise is to control your thoughts from the very start of your day. You change your focus from negative to positive. Thoughts become things. Negative thoughts bring about negative results. Positive thoughts bring about positive results.

Start your day with this exercise and you’ll unleash the power to transform your life.