Saturday, March 12, 2016

Happiness is A State of Mind

Happiness is a state of mind, not a state of being.
Lots of coaches and self-help gurus will tell you that happiness is a state of being, but it really isn't. Happiness comes from within you. It is an inner peace, a feeling of self-worth, an understanding that you have had many accomplishments in your lifetime and you are destined to have many more. 

Most people fear failure. It is normal. But failure is not something you should fear. 

When Thomas Edison failed on one-thousand attempts at creating a working light bulb, he said that he had simply discovered a thousand ways how NOT to make a light bulb. He kept trying and eventually solved the riddle. Today, we still use Edison's light bulb.

Failure is part of the learning process. In the end, it makes us stronger. So don't worry if things don't quite work out as planned. You are learning and getting stronger and better with each attempt you make at something. Never give up. Your determination will be rewarded. 

Andrew Carnegie once said: "Anything in life worth having is worth working for."