Monday, March 14, 2016

The Second Sleep

Have you ever awakened in the night and got up, read for a while, then returned to sleep– if so, that used to be known as the “second sleep” and was quite common.

Ben Franklin and others from the past mentioned it as such. Before alarm clocks, when people woke with the sun, it was a common thing. Back then, if you mentioned the “second sleep”, people knew exactly what you meant.

Last night, for whatever reason, I woke up, found myself full of energy, and did not get to sleep again until some time shortly after 11:00 PM. I go to bed early, because, my days generally start at 2:00 or 3:00 AM. I am always up before the sun.

I have found that the best way for me to get things done is to be awake before sunrise and start to work on creative pursuits before the rest of humanity is awake to distract me and take me from my latest project. And so it is with people. When you work in a home office, it is very common for family and friends to assume that you are available. They don’t recognize that you have “office hours” just like the people who work outside the home.

You have to establish boundaries if you are to be a success working from home. You must separate yourself from your family and let everyone know that between this time and that, you are working. Working from home is only convenient when you can still be productive; otherwise, you might be better off having an office-space that you rent somewhere.

Establish clear boundaries and rules for everyone– family, friends, associates. You set your own hours and you set your own pattern of behavior. Do it right and everyone will learn quickly. Do it wrong… well, if that happens, I’ll see you at the office.