Saturday, March 12, 2016

It's Just Good Business

If you read “Think and Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill, you will notice that he was thinking way ahead of his time.

Napoleon Hill was convinced that great service was the future of business and that employer-employee relationships were about building cooperative agreements and creative environments.

It is interesting to note that Mr. Hill researched a large number of wealthy business people in order to write his book and tell the “secret” of their success. He drew conclusions based on what Andrew Carnegie and the subjects of his research shared with him. All of the subjects understood the “secret” and lived by it.

Wanting something for nothing was a recipe for failure. Wanting the ability to work for your keep, however, was good business. The ability to conduct business, unencumbered, was important. Success was contingent upon your resolute devotion to the principles of desire, willingness to work, and offering excellent service in whatever your field of endeavor.

Knowing what you want to do, what service you hope to market, and having the determination and steadfast devotion to that goal will allow you to “Think and Grow Rich”. If your first attempt fails, change the plan and try again. Like the course correction of a ship’s helmsman steering clear of a storm, you pilot yourself to a place in the sun by making changes where needed until you sail to that promised land.

No dream ever becomes reality without action. It is the way of things. The proper action at the proper time is just a matter of good business.