Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Future Belongs to Creatives

There's just as much opportunity in one business as another, if you will only stop playing copycat and begin to think creatively. ~Earl Nightingale

Creativity is that seemingly magical ingredient that separates inventors from the rest of humanity. Our educational system is built around the memorization of facts and figures, but it ignores critical thinking skills. Our work environments don't generally encourage creative thinkers.

If you feel out of place in today's business world, you are not alone. You just might be a creative trapped in the sterilized, structured world of the autocrat. They are locked into ways of thinking and doing things based on tradition and habit.

The future belongs to creatives

In many ways, free-thinkers and those with the gift of imagination have never quite been in lock-step with the rest of humanity. They were the Edisons, the Eastmans, the Wright Brothers. They were the visionaries.

Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

That Earl Nightingale quote (at the start of this post) really hits home for me. I see people in business doing the same things from day to day. They confine themselves in a way of thinking that can easily become out-dated. By simply copying everyone else or falling into the "this is the way we've always done it" trap, you seal your own fate.

Always remember, if you can imagine it, you can make it happen. Teach your children facts and figures-- by all means. More importantly, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN HOW TO THINK and you give them the keys to the kingdom.