Saturday, March 12, 2016

Begin the Day With An Attitude of Gratitude

It’s important to begin the day with an attitude of gratitude.

When you wake up and think about all the things that you are grateful to have had in your life, you start the day in a positive mood. Having an attitude of gratitude is important. To put it in a different perspective, when you emit feelings of gratitude for the blessings you have received, you are atttracting more of the same feelings and thoughts. In the words of Prentice Mulford, “thoughts become things”.

For well over a century, great thinkers have been telling us that the “Law of Attraction” explains that “like attracts like” and if you have thoughts and feelings of gratitude for the blessings you’ve received, you will attract more of them to you. Your feelings of gratitude are powerful.

Read the works of Napoleon Hill, Charles Haanel, Earl Nightingale, W. Clement Stone, Robert Collier, and Ralph Waldo Emerson and you will understand how it is that your thoughts and feelings attract good or bad into your life. Which one they attract is up to you– based on how you think and feel. Postitive thoughts and feelings attract good things. Negative thoughts and feelings attract bad things.

This idea is not something new. Marcus Aurelius believed it. Buddha taught it. Jesus taught that what a man feels in his heart, so is he. I find evidence of belief in the Law of Attraction in 300 BC.

Begin your day with an attitude of gratitude. What do you have to lose? Now, imagine what you have to gain.