Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happiness Is A Decision

My wife, Mary Rose, was telling me about an article she was reading that was saying young people today are so easily offended and their college professors are walking on eggshells trying to avoid offending them.

The thrust of the article was that young people need to grow up and realize that they are responsible for their own happiness.

When I wrote the book "Get Happy, Write Away" I pointed out that happiness is a state of mind, not a state of being. You can tell yourself that you are happy, or, you can tell yourself that you are miserable.

I actually had a lady ask me why I was always so happy. I told her that I wrote the book on happiness. She did not understand... well, I actually DID write the book on happiness.

Happiness is a decision. Sure, life has ups and downs. Good and bad times are a part of everyone's life. Dwelling on the bad continually only serves to create more of the same. Choosing to be grateful for all the good that happens is a way of "placing an order" for more of it.

Life is the journey. It is not the destination. I wrote about that previously. So, make a list of all your blessings and when you are feeling down or need encouragement, read that list. You, and you alone, are responsible for your own happiness. Teach your kids to be happy. Roll with the punches and embrace the good times.

Remember this: Adversity makes us stronger. Success rises from the ashes of failure. Never lose hope and never give up.